Keeping it real in Wilmington, Delaware's favorite underground video store. But don't tell Mr. Kincaid!

Sunday, July 16, 2000

REBEL ROUSERS jack nicholson diane ladd bruce dern CLASSIC BIKER FLICK 1970 VHS

Emma: Now remember, people, don't try looking us up in the phone book. And if Mr. Kincaid answers the phone, don't say anything about buying our movies on eBay. Okay? Here we go! Today's featured item. Another video from the Videodrome's extensive cinema collection. Straight off the shelves. Jonah, would you hand me that movie right there? Which one is that?

Jonah: Rebel Rousers. Looks like The Wild One in color.

Emma: Excellent! A low budget, trashy 60's biker flick with big name stars in their underground, anti-establishment, slummin' it phase. With a happy ending that holds out hope for the whole mixed up generation of 13-lovin', one percenters running wild in the streets on their hogs who actually filled theatres to see this joint.

Jonah: Dig it, girl, but what's a one-percenter? And why do they love 13?

Emma: 13 is like, the thirteenth letter of the alphabet. Y'know, M? As in, marijuana? Were you absent from 70's class the day they taught this lesson?

Jonah: Right, right! Wow, that's a heavy trip.

Emma: Far out, huh? And a one percenters are the 1 out of 100 people who don't give a fuck, who refuse to play by the system's rules, who are just as likely to hop on their bikes and up and down the California coast for three days at a stretch, tanked up on speed, angel dust, who knows what.

Jonah: This flick's got some heavy hitters featured: Jack Nicholson, Bruce Dern, Harry Dean Stanton, and Diane Ladd.

Emma: Yeah, all that's missing is Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Dean Stockwell. But all three of those dudes chilled with Bruce Dern in The Trip, working from a script by Nicholson and direction by Roger Corman! Have you seen that?

Jonah: 1970 to 1980, Emma. If it ain't got that ring, it don't mean a thing.

Emma: The sixties didn't officially end until about 1974, Jonah. When Nixon resigned and Chevy Chase took over, that's when the seventies began. That's when they brought on the friendly fascism, y'know, disco music to rob funk of its radical lyrical content, coke and heroin replacing grass and LSD, right wing-funded cults to direct kids away from activism, the whole nine.

Jonah: I'm not getting into politics with you, girl.

Emma: Whatever. Anyway, in this flick you get the kind of pseudo-reality flashback documenting that only low budget films can deliver. Suburban American society torn apart by conflict between the squares and the enticing new world of the outlaws. Sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll. Cameron Mitchell as Diane Ladd's boyfriend, alone against the savages. The moral choices faced by Bruce Dern, who has to weigh loyalty to his gang and his inner psycho against doing the right thing, twenty years before Spike Lee. An up-close glimpse of a biker-chic subculture that lived loud, fast, and out of control. So don't be a counter-revolutionary, bid on it!

You are bidding on a previous rental, used VHS videotape of Rebel Rousers (1970), EP mode, video released on Rhino Home Video label (1995), pictured below. Tape comes with original box, is in good condition and guaranteed to play. High bidder pays $3.50 S&H. Credit cards accepted using PayPal.

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Sold 7/26/00 @ $10.50

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